Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Simmi prays to GOD

Sam was somehow not feeling good today. He didn't like this smaller cell, which he has to share with many others. He didn't know any one in the cell and there was little place to move around. He was born in a small cell and was in a cell through out his life. He used to think often..."Am I supposed to be always in a cell or did I do something very wrong to earn a place here......".

He loves the man in red, who gives him food every day. But today no one gave him food. "Hello oooo...anyone there ???.....I am hungry...." Sam yells....

Aha here ends the wait. The man in red arrives. But hey...No....No....plssss...where are you taking me...Its hurting me...Ok I will not yell for food...

Leave me...hey this place is stinking....why there is blood around....mmmmm...Am I going to be killed ??? No...he will not kill me....he feeds me everyday...

And then..the next moment..with a thud sound Sam's head is chopped....oooooooo....skinned is pealed off, then the hands...the legs....

Sam loved himself very much...His soul (Simmi) will not rest in peace.....

Simmi started the espionage on Sam's body.......They have wrapped it nicely. They are taking it some where. May be out of the city.....away from the police. But no....its going to someone's house. And then Simmi hears this..."Honey I got the full chicken, please cook your special recipe for the dinner tonight..."

Simmi was shocked.....confused......how is it possible ? In the soul's class we were taught that the human being is the highest body a soul can take. Human beings are intelligent, righteous, sensitive and they understand others pain. Then how can a human being kill my Sam......that to just for the pleasure of eating. Then they are as good as the animals in the jungle......

Simmi prays.....Hey Lord ! Don't make me sit inside a human body ever......


Unknown said...

good...I like this..promoting vegetarianism..but are you vegetarian shan???

Sourav Kundu said...

sirji... aisa aisa likh kar aap senti kar dete ho... bring me in two minds whether to continue eating non veg or not...

Anonymous said...

Very powerful story indeed. The "other side" of the ...well... plate was never thought of. Keep doing this and u will have one convert

Unknown said...

good one...
u really made me hate myself for bng non veg

btw...r u plng to turn vegetarian by ny chance??

Anonymous said...

Good one but i don't quite believe in the difference between veg and non-veg. i think ppl do the same to plants...water them every day till they grow and then kill and eat them :-)

Anonymous said...

Commendable effort.

What really needs to be examined is the other side of the coin as well - are not plants living beings?

Would not the act of pulling a root-tuber out, slicing its stems and leaves for the sake of consumption, fall under the same vein as that of a chicken being slaughtered?

Well for a fact - both are living beings. And for another fact - a plant is more useful to earth in general, than a chicken.

Unknown said...

hey shantanu,

its quite complelling indeed, but i was quite intrigued by some comments on the plants analogy.
dont we do the same thing to the plants ?
How do u see it ?

Aditya said...

Poor reasoning...
it's a known fact that plants do feel. How many Simmis did you gobble up then? No living creature likes to be killed, it's just that all r in the food chain. There is no point in ur story. Veg or non-veg, it's just food, dont waste and dont preach.
If ur so concerned about plight of plants and animals try to stop deforestation and poaching, not people from eating.

Amritpal Singh said...

Being a pure-veggie, I liked this post

good effort, I liked Simmi also :-)

CasperMahi said...

You know ur composition reminded me of a bengali poem by Sukanta Bhattacharya.. almost on the same line/topic and equally brilliantly presented. Good work Shan.

Shantanu Gupta said...
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Saba Hasnain said...

Ya....I do agree with the others...are plants not living being?
Moreoevr, If carnivorous stop eating harbivores and omnivores do not consume both harbivores and carnivores.
How do u see the balance in ecosystem?

Shantanu Gupta said...

Thanks Guys for so many stimulating comments....

I wanna further elaborate my view

1. Food is much more than a calorie count. Non-veg food gives us tamshik (negative) qualities and Healthy Veg food gives us Satvik (positive) qualities.

2. Evolutionary Growth in animals is much more than plants. When we consume a plants only material sheath is broken, where as in animals life force(pran) sheath together with in material sheath is broken. We have to consider the evolutionary growth. To make the survival of the human body (highest in evolutionary growth) possible, we try to take help of plants, which are very low in evolutionary growth.

3- British Rule has destroyed indian form of education in early 1800. And since then we are wrongly taught in the english education that man is an omnivorous animal. Man is not at all omnivorous animal. Man is infact a frugivorous animal (one who eats fruits). Bear is omnivorous because its incisor teeth are like herbivorous, canines teeth resemble like carnivorous and molar teeth pointed like carnivorous and broad topped like herbivorous both. In man like frugivorous all the teeth are nearly of same height, canines are conical, blunt unlike carnivorous, the molars are broad topped and not pointed for the segregation of fibres of flesh. We consider fruitarian diet as vegetables, nuts, grains & fruits etc.

4- Our senses do not allow slaughtering of animals. slaughter house is kept away from the senses of smell, sound & sight. one eats flesh being cooked with the flavours of spices etc. The odour of apples water the tongue, but raw meats odour creats annoyance.

5. If one is too fascinated with modern western science...I will present some scientific facts too....The elementary canal of human being is 10 to 12 times in length of the body measuring from mouth of anus. For all carnivorous animals the length of intestine is only 3 to 5 times in length of the body measuring from sole to head. And human body secretes very mild acids, which are not very sufficient to burn the flesh properly. Thats why non-veg food take more than 72 hours to get digested.

6- Dr Alan Boobies of Royal post graduate medical school in london on april 6th 1995 presented the link between consumption of red meat and cancer in humans. cooked red meat is associated with the development of bowel cancer if consumed. Action of heat on red meat results in the formation of HAs (Hetrocyclic amines) Which are toxic to DNA Causing cancer.

7- About ecological system...the animals that we eat are not part of any natural ecological system. They are produced for us artificially for consumption. Thus there is no point of disturbing any natural ecological system

Riya said...

Awsome sir..... i loved wat u wrote.....a very strong point written brilliantly...
and ur fourth point is too good....
keep blogging and kp sharing :)

Riya said...

Awsome sir.... loved every word of it....
a very sensitive point presented so brilliantly and so beautifully....kp blogging and kp sharing :)